Featured projects
Senior Consultant: Therapeutic Diagnosis Center (CDT) of the Hospital de la Serena: Collaborate with the responsible management of the Institution in the coordination, planning, monitoring and evaluation of the activities necessary for the execution of the design of the project modules.
Senior Consultant, Sub-direction of Institutional Development (SDDI). Responsible for the design, development and execution of the Development Pole corresponding to the Cardiovascular CR among other institutional development projects. Evaluation of different projects of economic sustainability, for the process of Normalization of the Hospital. for amounts exceeding 3 billion pesos (2014).
Consultant Responsible for transferring methodologies for raising the demand for HR and equipment, as well as its evaluation, to obtain a better technical design, review of the work carried out for the dimensioning of both the supply and demand of the portfolio of services.
Consultant Responsible for the Organizational Development Modules and their Management and Care Model. Determination of HR gaps and their projection, using Triangulation Methodologies and the EPH methodology of Ministry of Public Health (MINSAL). (2013)
Consultant Responsible for the Diagnostic Study of the Technological Platform of the Regional Hospital of La Serena, and its development proposals. (May, 2013)
Consultant Responsible for the Financial Sustainability Study of the Therapeutic Diagnostic Center (CDT) of the Hospital La Serena. Final project presented to MINSAl., for an amount exceeding 60 billion pesos. (February – December, 2013).
Leading Consultant in the process of Organizational and Structural Transformation of the Hospital de La Serena. Process of Review of institutional organizations and their restructuring. Using methodologies and management models that are used internationally, such as RACI, Radar and BMP Methodologies Development of methodologies for the identification of measures for the transformation and re-engineering of the Responsibility Centers. And Development of intervention methodologies in the institution. Construction of Maps and Flows of the macro processes, linked to the institutional Balance Score Card (BSC) of Self-managed Hospital (March-December 2012).
Consultant for Innovation Process. Transformation of SOME, OIRS, PR and Social Service into the new User Service Unit, for the Reception and Information process. This project and its new process flow was distinguished in the national Care Network innovation contest. These projects were sponsored by FENAT and FENPRUS. (2013)
Consultant responsible for guiding and accompanying the team in charge of the Strategic Planning Process of the Hospital de La Serena Transferring methodologies that allow the alignment of the Strategic Planning (P.E.) of the Institution with Article No. 16 D.S. No. 38 that establishes the minimum requirements that must be met to obtain the quality of Self-managed Establishment, through the generation of organizational tools and instruments, which favor the accreditation process. (November 2011-March 2012)