About Nahur Melendez Castillo


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Study of market insertion strategies: Real Estate Sector, Tourism Sector. Market insertion Strategies and new markets for Fisheries Sector Development Projects in Los Vilos, Coquimbo, Los Vilos, La Higuera and Puerto Aldea. IV Region and Metropolitan Area (1996-2000) Business Management Studies: Project Evaluation (FONTEC) for the Construction of Fishing and Agricultural Process Plants (1996).
Development of Marketinsertion Strategies, Strategic Planning and Development of the Value Chain: Tourism Sector, Transport, Industrial SMEs and Fisheries Sector Analysis and Development of Methodology for Evaluation of Port Projects (1995-2002).

Senior Consultant of the Design team of the Work-Operational Plan 2008-2010 of the Magallanes Entrepreneurs Program, Responsible for evaluating the result of the ventures capital and determining the main competitiveness gaps, in order to increase the competitiveness of the territory and advance in the capture of new opportunities.
Likewise, evaluation and validation of the scalable business model of the entrepreneurial capacities, and of the competences of 200 dynamic enterprises of different productive sectors, considering the sociocultural economic factors that contribute to the development of territorial capital.
The competitive positioning of the products, in addition to the training of 100 people assigned to the Magallanes Entrepreneurs program and a similar number for the Natales Entrepreneurs program. Counterpart, SENCE and Territorial Manager of Punta Arenas and with the members of the Technical Board of the Territory and the Public-Private Committee for development of the Territory of Punta Arenas, (2007-August 2008).


Senior consultant of the Multisectoral Program for Strengthening the Capacity of Diffusion and Technology Transfer, Technological Node of INNOVA Chile of CORFO for the Magallanes region, which considers attention to companies, with intensive courses of introduction to innovation and soft technologies for SMEs, diagnosis management and quality of SMEs.
Rapporteur in seminars, for 200 entrepreneurs, generation of working groups for the formulation of innovation projects and improvement of Global management, transfer a methodology of Improvement of Competitiveness to the participating teams. Dissemination of the culture of lean innovation, which consists of carrying out commercial validations before entering into major expenses, through talks, seminars, and workshops.
The Technology Node is a bridge between technologies and SMEs in the areas of agribusiness, tourism, services and others considered priorities for the development of the region (2007-2010)

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