About Nahur Melendez Castillo


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Meléndez Araya, Nahur M., Jorquera Pallauta, José L., Meléndez Castillo, Nahur J., Soto Castillo, Jocelyn A. (2024). Chapter 6. Reflections on Metaverses in Education: The Present and Future of Collaborative Learning. In Arnold, Alex M. (Ed.) The Future of Collaborative Learning (pp. 179 – 196), Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. ISBN: 979-8-89113-443-0, USA, 2024. https://novapublishers.com/shop/the-future-of-collaborative-learning/
Meléndez Araya, Nahur M., Jorquera Pallauta, José L., Meléndez Castillo, Nahur J., Soto Castillo, Jocelyn A. (2024). Chapter 7. Educational Robotics: An Approach to a Theoretical Perspective. In Arnold, Alex M. (Ed.) The Future of Collaborative Learning (pp. 197 – 210), Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. ISBN: 979-8-89113-443-0, USA, 2024. https://novapublishers.com/shop/the-future-of-collaborative-learning/
Meléndez Araya, Nahur M., Gallardo Arancibia, José, Meneses Villegas, Claudio, Meléndez Castillo, Nahur J. (2010). Aplicación de SixSigma en los Procesos de Ingeniería de Requisitos: Fase de Entrenamiento. En Ingeniería de Software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento: Tendencias de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológicas en Iberoamérica (pp. 12 – 23), Sello Editorial Alfaomega Grupo Editor, S.A. de C.V. ISBN 978-607-707-096-2, México, 2010.


Co-author of research papers in Kaizen and Poka Joke, for the "Fourth Edition of the Requirements Engineering Track (SAC 2011) "Taichung, Taiwan. These studies are based on the techniques and tools of Total Quality Management (TQM) applied to the development and creation of software systems, in addition to other techniques developed in various fields such as Knowledge Engineering and Requirements Engineering.
Nahur J. Meléndez Castillo, Ignacio J. Araya Jaime, Roberto C. Hernández Robles, Nahur M. Meléndez Araya, José A. Gallardo Arancibia, Francisco J. Contreras Huerta, "IR-KAIZEN: improvement of requirements engineering through the kaizen methodology", XIV CISAISI, South American International Congress of Information Systems Engineering, Oruro –November, 2010.
Nahur J. Meléndez Castillo, Francis. J. Contreras Huerta, Nahur M. Meléndez Araya, Ignacio J. Araya Jaime, Roberto C. Hernández Robles, José A. Gallardo Arancibia, "Improvement of documentation in requirements engineering through the introduction of the Poka-Yoke methodology", XIV CISAISI, South American International Congress of Information Systems Engineering, Oruro – Bolivia. November, 2010.
Nahur J. Meléndez Castillo, Nahur M. Meléndez Araya, José A. Gallardo Arancibia, Claudio J. Meneses Villegas, "Yellow Belt Training IR-Six sigma." XIV CISAISI, South American International Congress of Information Systems Engineering, Oruro – Bolivia. November, 2010.
Nahur J. Meléndez Castillo, Eder L. Castillo Barraza, Nahur M. Meléndez Araya. José A. Gallardo Arancibia. "Improvement of requirements engineering through the application of Kanban system", XIV CISAISI, South American International Congress of Information Systems Engineering, Oruro – Bolivia. November, 2010.
Nahur J. Meléndez Castillo, José A. Gallardo Arancibia, Nahur M. Meléndez Araya, Claudio J. Meneses Villegas. "Six-Sigma Philosophy in Requirements Engineering: White Belt Training." I International Conference on Computing and Informatics of Northern Chile, INFONOR Chile 2010, Antofagasta – Chile. November, 2010.
IR-SIX SIGMA: Application of the SIX-SIGMA Methodology to the Requirements Engineering Process. Nahur Meléndez, Vianca Vega, José Gallardo, Claudio Meneses. International Workshop Meeting of Informatics and Management, EIG 2009, Temuco, Chile. ISSN 1613-0073 (DBLP).


Melendez Araya, Nahur M., Jorquera Pallauta, José L., Melendez Castillo, Nahur J. (2023). Metaversos en Educación: Una Mirada desde la Literatura. XIV Conferencia Internacional de Computación e Informática del Norte de Chile, INFONOR Chile 2023.
Melendez Araya, Nahur M., Gallardo Arancibia, José, Melendez Castillo, Nahur J. (2022). Tool for the selection of software development methodologies for small projects and small equipment. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/25th Congress of the Chilean Association of Automatic Control: For the Development of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, ICA-ACCA 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ICA-ACCA56767.2022.10006153 (Scopus)
Melendez Araya, Nahur M., Zamarca Paz, Pedro, Melendez Castillo, Nahur J. (2020-November). Tool for self-diagnosis of RDI management in the municipal public sector. International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC 2020, DOI: 10.1109/SCCC51225.2020.9281241 (Scopus)
Melendez Araya, Nahur M., Gallardo Arancibia, José, Melendez Castillo, Nahur J. (2011). Adoption of Six-Sigma Philosophy in Requirements Engineering: Training "Yellow Belt”. II Conferencia Internacional de Computación e Informática del Norte de Chile, INFONOR Chile 2011. (DBLP)
Meléndez Araya, Nahur M., Gallardo Arancibia, José, Meneses Villegas, Claudio, Meléndez Castillo, Nahur J. (2010) Aplicación de SixSigma en Procesos de Ingeniería de Requisitos. 2010 Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingeniería de Software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento, JIISIC 2010. (DBLP)

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